Workouts & Exercises

apartment punching bag

There was an interesting Reddit sub that we bumped across the other day, that spoke about the best free standing punching bags.

Turns out that a guy living in a rented apartment wanted to check out some free standing punching bags, as he couldn’t hang one on the ceiling for obvious reasons.

But he was being fed all sorts of bull crap about how the bags can be too heavy and how they can break in half or get compressed at awkward places.

Having been in the exact same position five years ago, it got us thinking about this problem that a lot of martial artists and fitness buffs go through.

What are your choices if you want to throw some punches and kicks at a bag, when you are living in a rented apartment?

Or a small apartment where you don’t have the luxury of a basement?

We started out with a free standing bag in our rental where the ceiling was paper thin and the slightest of noises on the bag would bring our 57-year-old neighbor screaming at the top of his lungs.

Guess what? We did just fine. We continue to throw punches and kicks every single day.

This brings us to the next suggestion.

Are punching bags with stands a better option than free standing ones?

Ah, here are some answers.

Best Punching Bags For Apartments

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